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In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated. An XML-RPC signal is sent to one or more "ping servers," which can then generate a list of blogs that have new material. Many blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.

Open ping servers, like VeriSign's, let other web-services subscribe to a list of blogs that have recently pinged them. Blog search engines can provide fresh results very quickly by polling only the newly-updated blogs. Similarly, aggregators use results from ping servers to tell subscribers which items on their subscription lists have fresh material.

In addition to open ping servers, there are an increasing number of proprietary ping servers that gather information only for their own applications. Most of the major blog search engines operate such ping servers.

Unlike open ping servers, proprietary servers with their own subscription applications have no incentive to share their received ping data directly with other servers, which may offer competing services. As these servers do not share their data, bloggers have to ping a large number of individual servers to receive the desired publicity. As a result, bloggers have turned to services such as Ping-o-matic, which pings multiple proprietary ping servers.

Ping spam

The use of ping servers to direct attention to recent blog posts has led to a rash of ping spam or sping, which attempts to direct readers to web pages that are not, in fact, recent blog posts. Examples:

:-Product vendors who use a weblog-like format to post product ads, meaningless batches of Google keywords, etc.
:-Software vendors, who sell scripts that make automated "weblog postings" every hour around the clock.
Creators of ping spam and/or spam blogs may hope to benefit by creating pages to turn up in web searches for popular keywords. Typically, an individual spam post links to some external page that displays Google ads or offers a product for sale.

See also

Ping (disambiguation)

ping server

Open ping servers

weblogs by yahoo

blog search google

Multi-Pinging services


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selamat berpuasa dari saya

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Hai hari ini saya akan ajar anda semua bagaimana nak mendaftarkan alamat blog kita selain dari Google & Yahoo dengan Google Sitemap dan Yahoo Sitemap supaya blog kita dapat ‘berkah’ Google juice dan Yahoo Es-Teller.

Cara lain yang lebih mudah supaya blog kita dapat terdaftar langsung di 40 (empatpuluh) mesin cari / search engine dalam waktu bersamaan. Yakni dengan cara memanfaatkan layanan gratis yang memakai tools khusus agar alamat URL blog yang kita daftarkan lewat situs ini dapat sekaligus terdaftar ke 40 search engine baik yang besar seperti Google, Yahoo dan MSN maupun yang kecil-kecil. Ikuti langkah praktis berikut:

1. Silahkan meluncur ke http://submitexpress
2. Isi alamat blog Anda di kotak yang tersedia di bawah tulisan FREE SUBMISSION. Jangan lupa pakai http://… Contoh, atau
3. Klik Continue
4. Isi Email Anda di kotak yang tersedia.
4. Setelah mengisi kode rahsia yang ada di bagian bawah, klik “submit”
5. Selesai.

Catatan: Sebagian (kecil) search engine akan mengirim email konfirmasi ke Anda, klik aja link untuk konfirmasi yang diminta.

PING BLOG ANDA!!! selepas anda daftar ke engine pencari..bagaimana?
kita jumpa lagi...dalam toturial cari duit adsense.

Salam Ramadan Dari Saya.